Travel, Tour, Art, Culture, and Other Exotic Things


Friday 28 December 2007

Happy New Year 2008, It's Time for Exotic Quest

In many cultures (Javanese, Chinese, Balinese,etc), old and new event ( transition time to face New Year) is the time for people to do contemplate, to evaluate the past and prepare to live better for the future.In many ancient tradition, it's the time for meditation; 'meditation' comes from the term "meditate" or to set mid point betwent two event ( in the case, between evaluation of the past and planning for better life in the future).Past is the past, we cannot change it ( without time machine-- just kidding). However, the recent situation can be developed. People have freewill and power to change the recent situation that they can change, and serenity to accept the past situation that they cannot change.

2008 is the time to visit one of the largest exotic country, It's the time for Visit Indonesian Year 2008.In ancient time, Indonesia was called 'Nusantara" ( come from the word 'Nusa' = Country/ Island; 'Antara' = Between). So, Nusantara is the country covering many islands. Yes, Indonesia is beutiful archipelago country.We have various cultures, traditions, arts, tribes, and tourism spots ( one of them is Bali).

With Tantularism, you will see the beauty of diversity. If you love ethnomusicology, you will hear beautiful traditional musics, such as: angklung orchestra, campur sari, and gending. If you love foods, you will enjoy traditional foods from spicy islands, such as Rendang and Rica-Rica. If you love dancing, you will see many exotic dances (Jaipong, Reog, Cakalele).If you visit Mid Java and Jogja, Don't forget to visit Borobudur ( Budhist Pyramid with Stupas) and Prambanan temple (ancient Hindu temple). If you love to learn martial art, you can get info of exotic martial arts, called Pencak Silat.

Welcome to My Country

Dedicated to Visit Indonesia Year 2008 Program

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