Travel, Tour, Art, Culture, and Other Exotic Things


Thursday 20 January 2011

Till Death Do Us Part

"Till death do as part" is famous vivid saying related to marriage. Marriage or wedding ceremony is an event to unite two hearts become one.

Every culture has respective wedding ceremony. In East Java, Indonesia, there is wedding ceremony for cat as ritual to pray for the rain.

Read Wedding Ceremony for Cats

Tuesday 11 January 2011

A Fable Based on Ancient Saying of Dharmakitri

In 1011 CE, Atisha and more than 100 disciples, visited Srivijaya ( in now Indonesia) and became disciples of Dharmakirti, known in Tibet as Serlingpa Gser-gling-pa (which means Master from Suvarnadvipa/ now Sumatera), to receive teachings on Bodhicitta or Pure Awareness.

Serlingpa said, "Planting the seed of bodhichitta does not grow well if the soil is too clean. It grows much better in soil that is dirty and fertilized."

Inspired by this saying, An Authspot writer presents Fable of Seed on Dirty Soil.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

12th Century Prophecy from Java about Online Social Phenomena

According to Wikipedia, Ratu Joyoboyo, also Sri Mapanji Jayabaya or Jayabhaya, was King also known as Ratu of the Indianized kingdom Hindu Kediri in East Java from AD1135 to 1157. Ratu Jayabaya was known for his just and prosperous rule.

Ratu Jayabaya is most famous for his oracles or prophesies attributed to him. The prophecies is called Jangka Jayabaya. Some of his prophecies were written in book of poem or serat. Whereas, another prophecies were thaught through oral traditions.

Young Mice Manage Line is short modern fable story based on 7th divination of Jayabaya's 12th century Javanese Prophecy : "Tikus Pithi Anata Baris" which happens today. "Tikus pithi anoto baris" means line up rows of red rat or "young mice manage lines." They are not mice. They are mouse-like tools for computer. By clicking mice, people make online movement, leak the conspiracy, unite, vote, protest, distribute information online.

However, we have freewill to spread goodness nad peace thru the technology.

Read Short Fable Story: Young Mice Manage Line

Komodo National Park : Black Dragon Island

To save nature, we have to appreciate it first. Many wanton destructions against Mother Earth were caused by our own ignorance. Komodo National Park, Indonesia, does not only shelter the endangered Black Dragons, called komodos but also home to 385 underwater species of beautiful corals, mangrove forests, and seaweeds as a home for thousands of fish species, 70 types of sponges, 10 types of dolphins, 6 types of whales, green turtles and various types of sharks and stingrays. Komodo Island is also one of the best diving sites in the world.