Travel, Tour, Art, Culture, and Other Exotic Things


Sunday, 11 July 2010

Uniquely Exotic Roosters from Indonesia

The Pelung rooster is a long crower. The Pelung longcrower comes from Indonesia. It is the best singer.
Ayam Pelung or Pelung Rooster is Indonesian rooster with a melodious voice and gleaming feathers. It has relatively big physique.

Pelung rooster image by Technology Indonesia

Cemani Roosters go dark.
Cemani Rooster is exotic black gothic rooster. The word "Cemani" comes from Old Javaneses term for "extremely black." Perfect black Cemani chickens or black chickens from Kedu may have a very high value in Indonesia, because people beleieve they possess mystical powers. People also believe that they have black blood.

Cemani chicken image by arche-reservat-holle

Pelung and Cemani Roosters are exotic animals for rooster collection.

Artists make rooster artwork to appreciate these animals.

Friends, there is a modern fable flash fiction related the characters of Pelung Rooster and Cemani Rooster. Fable is story about animals or something which is treated as anima. Fable has moral teaching.Fable is spirtual stuff. This fable is not aesop fable nor based on Fable game. There is also fable character of Frying pan or wok in this fable. It is easy to read. You don't need to cheat to read this fable. It is short and simple. It is flash fiction, micro fiction, very short story, or sudden fiction. This story contains spirtuality, wisdom saying or wisdom key.

Read The Wok and The Roosters: Fable of Equality

Read also Other Fable Flash Fiction