Travel, Tour, Art, Culture, and Other Exotic Things


Monday, 27 December 2010

Fable Stories 2010

In Ancient time, people used fable story to educate their children and nowadays children still enjoy fable story. Fable exists in many cultures. Not only children enjoy fable but adult people also do. In 2010, I have shared following Fable Flash Fiction in Authspot:

Merry Christmass aand Happy New Year 2010

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Unity of Diversity

Unity of Diversity, even if there is difference, but all have one dharma.
It is the line quoted from Purusadasanta or Book of Sutasoma by Pu Tantular.

I have the fable story about the taste of diversity.
You can read English Version or Bahasa Indonesia Version.

Fabel Cita Rasa Keberagaman

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Tan Hana Dharma Mangwra
Berbeda beragam tapi satu jua, Tak Ada Dharma ke arah yang lain

Itu adalah petikan baris kitab Pususadhasanta atau Sutasoma, yang di tulis oleh Mpu Tantular.

Di jaman sekarang masih saja ada orang yang alergi keberagaman dan perbedaan, mereka terlalu ngarep ama yang namanya keseragaman.

Jangankan golongan, suku, atau agama yang berbeda, dua orang dalam kepercayaan yang sama pun bisa memiliki pikiran beragam. Nah loh, kasian kan kalo memperpanjang ego kita dengan mencari-cari pengakuan dari orang lain tentang apa yang kita yakini dan jalani. Kita ingin segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan kita dianggap lebih.. ini.. lebih itu.. tetapi kita sendiri tidak mau menghargai orang lain.. bukan menghargai deh, minimal membiarkan.

Mau tak mau, keberagaman memang ada, sudah ada, dan akan selalu ada, jadi jika kita alergi dengan keberagaman mungkin kita terjangkit bhinnekaphobia dan perlu minta surat dokter.

Oh ya teman, silahkan baca kisah tentang keberagaman: Kisah Gado-Gado

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Life Insurance: Holiday Gift of Peace of Mind

What holiday gift do you give to your beloved family? Travelling? Home party? New Games or toy for children?

Maybe, you can consider term life insurance the perfect holiday gift for your family.
Holiday season gives peace of mind. Term life Insurance gives you peace of mind. Insurance can give protection to you and your family. your family financial stability gives your spouse and children and you the comfort of knowing that their future is protected.

What's difference between term and permanent life insurance.
A permanent policy will require a medical examination and extensive questionnaire whereas in a term policy, You can get that in a matter of minutes—from a reputable, experienced company…and without a medical exam! It is Life Insurance No Exam.

The holiday season is coming soon. Give the gift of peace of mind to your family and yourself. It is affordable and easy—now, you can even get Life Insurance No Exam.

It may be one of your nicest, most memorable gifts, which say, “I love you. And I want to do everything I can to protect you even after I’m gone.”

If you need advice to Buy Life Insurance, talk with one of licensed agents. Just call toll free number 1.800.939.0710 to get a free insurance quote, They are ready to help you get the coverage you need immediately.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Sono Wood Earrings

Wearing Sono Wood Jewelry such as sono wood earrings make you close to the nature. Organic carved sono wood earrings are unique girl's stuff from Indonesia. The unique earrings are hand carved, made out of Sono Wood from Indonesia, by Indonesian artistians. They are beatifuly exotic Hand carved tribal earrings.

Sono wood is also known as East Indian rosewood or malabar. It grows in southern India as well as in Indonesia. In Indonesia, including in Bali, Sono wood is used in wood carvings.

This picture is taken from

You can get information of various exotic handbags, sandals, jewelry and display form

If you visit in Indonesia, you can get sono wood earrings as unique gifts for your mom or girlfriends.

However, you can still organic sono wood earings through online shopping.

Read other art form Indonesia: Wooden Batik

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Gado-Gado Salad: Taste of Diversity, Celebrating Diversity

When I am in Jogja, I always take chance to eat one of may favorite Indonesian food, a salad called Gado-Gado.

According to Wikipedia, Gado-gado (Bahasa Indonesia) or also called Lotek (Sundanese and Javanese language) is an Indonesian vegetable salad served with a peanut sauce dressing. If you are vegetarian, it can be the delicious food for you.

Picture of Gado-Gado Salad from Indonesia, taken from wikipedia

If you are interested to make Gado-Gado salad, you get the recipe, here.

Because I love delicious and healthy Gado-gado, I write a Fable Short Story/ Flash Fiction of Gado-Gado to celebrate the diversity.
Gado-gado content group of unique ingredients and I use their uniqueness to represent diversity.

To unite does not mean to be the same with others. You must be your best self.

The uniqueness in unity can be beautiful and powerful-- Unity of Diversity.

"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Tan Hana Dharma Mangwra", said by Sutasoma, in Purosadha Santa, a Sutasoma Book, written by Mpu Tantular in 14th Century.

"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Tan Hana Dharma Mangwra" - Diversity but one dharma

Read my Fable Story of Gado-Gado Salad.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Exotic Nusantara, Uniquely Indonesia

Indonesian Archipelago, South East Asia, consists of thousands islands. Of course, it has various arts and cultures.
Not only in Bali (An island in Indonesia), each area in Indonesia has its uniqueness.

Read following article about Indonesia
- Javanese Wooden Batik
- Spirtuality in Javanese Fable Story
- Tumpeng: Nusantarian Expression of Gratitude
- Folktales from Indonesia
- Astabrata Leadership
- Mimi and Mintuno: Javanese Symbol of Harmonious Marriage

Monday, 11 October 2010

Cat in Java

Cats are the animals which can survive and live with human beings. Since Ancient Egypt, they have became our friends. In many cultures, people respect cats. In Japanese tradition, cat ( manekineko) is symbol of luck.

In Java, even if there are many cats without masters or many people do not care about cats, people respect cat because the saints love cats and people will get bad karma if they kill the cats.

If someone's vehicle hits a cat, he will bury the cat or in the village tradition, they will conduct circle prayer for the cat's death.

I love the cat, not because of magical power or luck charm. I love cat because they are warm, friendly, funny.

I have fable story about : A Deaf Cat with Blue eyes

It is not traditional story but it can be inspirational.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

An Exotic Blades Story: Flash Fiction

Keris is exotic blade from Indonesia. People not only use it as weapon but also as amulet. Keris is used in traditional ceremony. Some people belief that it has magical power.

Some Javanese believe that if single man has a dream of finding keris's sheath and insert the keris blade to the sheath, they will meet their soul mate soon.

This picture is taken from

Kujang is Sundanese traditional weapon from West Java, Indonesia. People believe that it has magical power.

This picture of Kujang is taken from

Read short fable story/ fable flash fiction in which the blades become the characters. Kujang, Keris, Katana, Rapier become the character in this story.

Read Blade Story: Blade Looking for Sheath

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Translating with Translation Software

Language is a mean of communication to convey the meaning. To understand foreign language, we must have cross cultural understanding.

Translating is not only mathematic logic but it also need feeling to understand before translate. Translation Machine or software cannot replace (human) translator.

Read my article about Translation Machine.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Uniquely Exotic Roosters from Indonesia

The Pelung rooster is a long crower. The Pelung longcrower comes from Indonesia. It is the best singer.
Ayam Pelung or Pelung Rooster is Indonesian rooster with a melodious voice and gleaming feathers. It has relatively big physique.

Pelung rooster image by Technology Indonesia

Cemani Roosters go dark.
Cemani Rooster is exotic black gothic rooster. The word "Cemani" comes from Old Javaneses term for "extremely black." Perfect black Cemani chickens or black chickens from Kedu may have a very high value in Indonesia, because people beleieve they possess mystical powers. People also believe that they have black blood.

Cemani chicken image by arche-reservat-holle

Pelung and Cemani Roosters are exotic animals for rooster collection.

Artists make rooster artwork to appreciate these animals.

Friends, there is a modern fable flash fiction related the characters of Pelung Rooster and Cemani Rooster. Fable is story about animals or something which is treated as anima. Fable has moral teaching.Fable is spirtual stuff. This fable is not aesop fable nor based on Fable game. There is also fable character of Frying pan or wok in this fable. It is easy to read. You don't need to cheat to read this fable. It is short and simple. It is flash fiction, micro fiction, very short story, or sudden fiction. This story contains spirtuality, wisdom saying or wisdom key.

Read The Wok and The Roosters: Fable of Equality

Read also Other Fable Flash Fiction

Monday, 28 June 2010

Rice, Paddy, and Short Story about It

Rice comes from paddy. Rice is the core/ basic food for Nusantarians, especially people of Indonesia. The Capital City of Indonesia is Jakarta, located in Java Island. Java or Jawa (Jawawut) means paddy. So Java Island is the island of paddy. That's why eating rice is obligatory in Java.

I have written a flash fiction ( mini fable short story) about planting process of paddy. I use this fable to show the importance of individual freedom to grow, respect, independence, and interdependence in team.

Read Fable of Paddies

Friends, if you love to write. Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties in Wikinut

Monday, 17 May 2010

Forgoten Quote about Management by King of Ancient Majapahit Kingdom, 14th Century

“Relationship between state and its parts is like relationship between lions and the jungle. If its parts are ruined, the state will lack of food. If there is no strong instrument of the state, invaders will easily attack it. Manage and defend both of them and my command will be successfully accomplished."

(Hayam Wuruk, King of Majapahit, 14th Century)

Read also fable flash fiction based on this quote: Lion and The Jungle

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Haiku of Serenity in Doubt | Authspot

Haiku of Serenity in Doubt | Authspot

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Haiku is originally type of poem from Japan. This Japanese poem consists of 17 syllables with
5 syllables for line 1
7 syllables for line 2
5 syllables for line 3

Read the Haiku of Serenity in Doubt

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Fable and Flash Fiction

Fable is very familiar in every culture. Before there is term "Flash Fiction", since years ago, fable has been told to teach moral in short story telling.

The famous one is Aesop's fable. I am sure you have known some of his fable story (short story).

Nowadays, the growth of IT makes people tend to search information via internet. The growth of literature also follows the growth of IT trend. People tend to read online information, which is short but informative. They also read very short story, called Flash Fiction. Flash Fiction contains 300 to 1000 words. It is mini, entertaining, and giving lesson.

So what about fable? Has it gone? Fable is also growing. The nowadays writer also writes fable story in Novel, Short Story and Flash Fiction.

Do you like fable flash fiction?
- Lion and Jungle: Fable of HR Management
- Butterfly's Story: Fable of Self Improvement
- Lowly Donkey and The King of Peace: Fable-Gospel of Palm Sunday

Or are you interested to write fable flash fiction?
You can start to write and join Triond.

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Mind Trinity in Javanese Spirituality

In Javanese Pagan Spirituality Tradition, to find his true high self, he must unite cipta (creation), rasa (feeling), and karsa ( will and wish).

These three aspects in mind must be integrated and synchronized in making decision and taking action.

Cipta, Rasa, and karsa have mutual influence. One aspect influences other.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

To Be With Exotic Woman

In your exotic quest, you do not want to go alone. If you are a man, you need woman or girl to be your friend. When you share with someone, your joy will be doubled, especially when a man shares with his beloved woman.

You see an exotic girl. She is beautiful. She has dark skin. You want her but you don't know how to approach this exotic chick.

You must equip yourself with softskill to win woman's heart before travelling. First, you must learn about the culture. second, you need to be an Alpha Male. With Alpha Male charateristics in you, the women will be attracted to you.

If you want to get more information on How to Attract Women, click here

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Javanese Wooden Batik | Quazen

Javanese Wooden Batik | Quazen

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If you visit Republic of Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta, don't forget to see Wooden Batik craft. It is exotic craft from Yogyakarta.

However, you can also find Woden Batik in Bali.

Wodden Batik is combination of Batik and Wooden Craft.

Batik is a traditional technique of hand-dyeing fabrics by using wax. It is an exotic art.

Wanna know more information about this art?
Click here