Travel, Tour, Art, Culture, and Other Exotic Things


Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Nusantarian Folktales

Nusantara is Javanese word for 'archipelago'. The people of Nusantara are called Nusantarians. Like other culture, Nusantarians also use folktales to teach about morals and spirituality. Tautan

Who are Nusantarians? Where is Nusantara? Are you also interested in ther folktales?

To get the answer, just click here.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Horseshoe Crabs: Javanese Symbol of Harmonious Relationships

Last week, I visited Mid Java to attend my cousin's marriage ceremony. The ceremony was conducted by using Javanese tradition theme. In Javanese marriage ceremony, the toastmaster usually says the old Javanese saying:"May the couples live together in harmony for life like Mimi and Mintuno."

I was curious what Mimi and Mintuno are. Then, I got the info and was interested to write the article about them. Mimi and Mintuno were Horseshoe Crabs. Read my article about them in triond, here.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Trim it down to size with a light bulb

Trim it down to size with a light bulb

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Tumpeng: Dish as Exotic Symbols for Gratitude

Gratitude is powerful. It is the expression of joy and submission to God. It can attract more luck and grace. Through traditions, people create symbols to express it. In Java, Bali, and Madura, people create mountain-like dish from rice to express it. Read about this exotic dish by clicking here

Sunday, 29 March 2009

About Silat: An Exotic Martial Arts

Silat is an exotic martial arts in South East Asia. Wanna know about it? Visit here

Best Regards
