Travel, Tour, Art, Culture, and Other Exotic Things


Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Born To Eat : Traditional Foods in Jogja

by Purnomosidhi

Rahayu! Welcome to Jogja
Hi I'm wahyu, I was born in Jogja, a peace, education, arts and culture city in Indonesia.
Find exotic delicious food in Jogja? Here, some place for your cullinary visits:

- SGPC or sego pecel (Traditional Rice with Vegetables and peanut sauce) in Lempuyangan or in Plengkung Gading, near North Square "alun-alun selatan"
- Lotek / gado-gado (Javanese Salad) in the oposite side of correctional institution, LP Wirogunan in Taman Siswa
- Meat, Seafood by Cak Koting in front of Mataram Theatre
- Soto Sawah (Traditional Indonesian Soup) in Godean
- Sate Klathak in Bantul (satay)
- Sengsu (Exotic Black Papper Dog Meat) in Jetis, in Babarsari, and in front Mataram Theatre
- Batakist Food (Traditional Dog Meat and Pork Food) in Ruras Silindung at Pengok
- Santoso Lapen ( Jogjanese Liqueur) at Gejayan
- Sate Samirono (satay)
- Jogjanese Fried Chicken of Ayam Goreng Soeharti at Janti
- Fish Grill at Depok Beach, Parantritis Jogja
- Bakso Bawor (meat ball soup) in Samirono

Mmm, yummy, I cannot mention all of them, but just come to Jogja.

Oh ya, dont forget to buy Jogjanese Cake, called Bakpia Pathok near Malioboro, gorengan (fried banana, fried cassava, cassava ball), fried eel.

See You at Jogja, Jerusalem van Java

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Javanese Aji Caka Script and Five Elements of Nature

Javanese alphabet by ancient mystical king, Aji Caka, consists 20 letters. In order, the letters was written in 4 lines by Aji Saka to commemorate his messengers.

Besides, they also have ancient teaching about human life.
Ha Na Ca Ra Ka means there were messengers. This line has philoshophical meaning that every human being is messenger of god. Every one has role for harmony when they were born.
In elemental nature philosophy, this line represents element of wind. Wind means direction to the goal. Everyone is created due to divine purpose.

Da ta sa wa la means the messengers met and discussion happened. This sentence mean that in our life we need to share and discuss. Our relationship is about networking with other.
This sentence represents element of water or flexibility. This element teach us to mantain harmonious relationship with others, that is why we need people skills for life.

Pa dha ja ya nya means both of messengers were fighting and both of them won. This sentence represents element of fire or desire or fighting spirit. In our life, we need to have fighting spirit to win. We should be enthusiasm in what we do.

Ma ga ba tha nga means both of messengers died. When we die, our body are burried and back to the earth. It represents element of earth.
It can allso mean 'memento mori'. We should remember that all human beings will die. In our life there is something to change, and there is something that we cannot change. We should have serenity in our action.

So, what is the fifth element in Javanese alphabet? The fifth element also represents fifth element of nature. The fifth element is not written because it is element of void or spirit, It is the divine mystery of god.